Assistant Professor of Law
Dr.Thangzakhup Tombing
Assistant Professor of Law

Dr. Thangzakhup Tombing
LL.M.(Jamia Milia Islamia University)
UGC - NET / JRF (2010)
Office Address: Room No. 408, Academic Block, NLUJA,Assam
E-mail ID: t.tombing@nluassam .ac .in, thangzakhuptombing@gmail .com
Ph. No.: +91-361-2738891 (Office) Ext: 586
Teaching Experience (in Years): 9
Dr. Thangzakhup Tombing is presently working as Assistant Professor of Law at National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam since its inception in 2011. His core area of research is Legal Pluralism, Private International Law, Juvenile Justice. His research particularly focuses on tribal customary laws, its significance and relevance of their customary institutions from the narrative of contemporary legal studies. To his credit Dr. Tombing has around 14 research articles published in different journals, chapters in edited books and conference proceedings. He had attended and presented full papers in more than 25 National and International Conferences in India and abroad.
Dr. Tombing was awarded gold medal for LL. M. in Jamia Millia Islamia in 2010. He also holds NET/ JRF in Law in 2010. To encourage students towards research he would usually collaborate with students, especially NE students, to write research papers in his core area of research and other legal fields. His Ph.D. Thesis is on the topic, “Customary Practices among the Tribes in North East India: Comparative Study of the Khasi, Mizo and Paite Tribes”.
At administrative level Dr. Tombing is holding the post of Public Information Officer at NLU, Assam since 2017. He had been member of the Executive Council, Academic Council, Library Committee of the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam. He is also member of the Purchase Committee, NAAC Core Committee, MOOCS Committee of the University. He also actively participates in organizing National and International seminar and conferences at the University. He is also Member of the Editorial Board of NLU Assam Law and Policy Review.
Subjects taught:
Customary Law Paper (for Ph.D.), Legal Methods and Social Sciences Research Methodology (B.A., LL.B. (Hons.); Legal Education and Research Methodology (LL M); Family Law I & II; Private International Law; Criminal Law Specialisation papers- Cyber Crime & Juvenile Justice; Jurisprudence; Consumer Protection Law and the Principles of Interpretation of Statutes.