Assistant Professor of Law
Dr. Shailendra Kumar
Assistant Professor of Law

Dr. Shailendra Kumar
Ph.D. (West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences Kolkata (WBNUJS))
E-mail ID: shailendra@nluassam .ac .in
Ph. No.: +91-361-2738891 (Office) Ext: 548
Teaching Experience (in Years): 7
Dr. Shailendra Kumar, is Assistant Professor of Law at National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam. Previously, he worked as an Assistant Professor of Law in Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad (2020-2021) and the ICFAI University Dehradu, (2019-2020). Before, starting teaching he has also worked as Research Assistant and Associate at National Law School of India University Bangalore and WBNUJS on sponsored research Projects. He has completed his LL.M. from West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences Kolkata, with speciation in Air and Space Law. He completed his Ph.D from West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences Kolkata on the topic “Legal Complexities of Air Carrier Liability in India a Critical Analysis”. Dr. Kumar also complete major research project " Accountability in Policing: Bridging the Gap between the Principal vis-a-vis Practice" sponsored by State Police Accountability Commission Assam. His areas of interests are Aviation Law, Space Law, Refugee Law and Human Rights. He has made many academic contributions in critical areas of law and his writings have found place in reputed journals. He has also Authored a book, ‘Space Legislation in India: Emerging Issues’ (Regal Publication, ISBN 8184844417, 9788184844412) and Air Carriage & Carrier Liability In India” STAYAM LAW INTERNATIAL ISBN 9789391345587. Further he has co-Edited books, “Immigration, Citizenship and Indian Laws - Domestic & International Prospective” (Satyam International ISBN 978-9391-345532), “Criminal Justice Administration and Road Ahed” Bharti Publications New Delhi, and more than 30 paper publication in international and national law journals.