Assistant Professor of sOCIOLOGY
Ms. Preeti Priyam Sharma
Assistant Professor of sOCIOLOGY

Ms. Preeti Priyam Sharma
M.A. - Corporate Sociology (Madras University)
Ph.D (pursuing - Pondicherry Central University)
UGC - NET (2010)
E-mail ID: preetipsharma@nluassam .ac .in, preetipsharma@gmail .com
Ph. No.: +91-361-2738891 (Office) Ext: 564
Teaching Experience (in Years): 9
Preeti Priyam Sharma is working as an Assistant Professor of Sociology at NLU, Assam. She has done her graduation in Sociology from Maitreyi College, Delhi University, M.A. in Corporate Sociology from Madras University.
She has qualified UGC/NET and has received the Junior Research Fellowship from UGC. She has attended many prestigious workshops and training programmes across the country. Her area of academic interest includes Sociology of disability, Social Theory, Gender and Society, Crime and Society, Corporate Social Responsibility etc.