Assistant Professor of English
Ms. Namrata Gogoi
Assistant Professor of History

Ms. Namrata Gogoi
M.A. (Delhi University)
E-mail ID: namratagogoi@nluassam. ac. in, namrata.gogoi523@gmail. com
Ph. No.: +91-361-2738891 (Office) Ext: 566
Teaching Experience (in Years): 9
Ms. Namrata Gogoi is working as an Assistant Professor of History and has been associated with the teaching of B.A., LL.B. Five Year Integrated Course since July 2013. She completed her B.A. (Hons.) in History from St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi and also M.A. History with specialization in Ancient Indian History from St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi. She also done her LL.B. from Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. She has qualified SLET and UGC NET-JRF in History.
Research Interests: Historical Archaeology, Pre-Historic Religion, Indian Buddhist Art, Gender History, History of North-East India
- “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace: A Phantom Patriarchy at Play” in Dipankar Sarmah ed. “Women Harassment: Causes and Remedies”, ISBN 978-93-83580-24-8
- ‘Tradition as Sanction to human Trafficking: A Look at Early Practices and Rituals’ in Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Combating Human Trafficking with Special Reference to Women and Children at Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, ISBN 978-93-5254-055-6
Papers presented/Workshops/Seminars:
- Presented Paper “Widows: Exclusion through Symbols and Rituals”, National Seminar on Prospects and Challenges in Bridging the Gender Divide, NLUJAA
- Presented Paper “The Origin Myths of the Goddess Kamakhya in the Literary Tradition: a Study”, Department of History, Gauhati University
- Participated in 2 Day Workshop on “Customary Law, Law and Women in North East India”, Indian Association for Women’s Studies and ICHR, Guwahati
- Attended Research Methodology Course at OKD Institute of Social Change and Development
- Attended a Workshop on Oral History Methodology, organised by the Department of History, Gauhati University and Oral History Association of India