Assistant Professor of Law
Dr. Monmi Gohain
Assistant Professor of Law

Dr. Monmi Gohain
LL.M. (Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad)
UGC - NET (2014)
E-mail ID: monmi.gohain@nluassam .ac .in
Ph. No.: +91-361-2738891 (Office) Ext: 588
Teaching Experience (in Years): 5
Ms Monmi Gohain has completed her B.A.,LL.B. from the North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Meghalaya and Post-graduation from National Academy of Legal Study and Research (NALSAR), Hyderabad. She has specialized in International Trade and Business Law. She has also cleared the UGC-NET in 2014. She has attended various seminars and conferences across the country. She has to her credit few publications in reputed law journals. She was also a part of the organizing committee of various seminars related to SAARC Law Centre and Centre for Air and Space Law in NALSAR University of Law. She is presently working as Research cum Teaching Assistant in NLU, Assam.
Her hobbies include reading books, singing, etc.
Total teaching experience: 4 Years 4 months
Subjects taught: Contract Law I, Contract Law II, Labor Law, International Trade Law, Business Law, Corporate Law, Law of Torts, International Trade and Competition Law
Area of specialization: International Trade and Business Law
- 1. Shared Parentage in India: A Paradigm Shift in Child Custody Law Published In NLUA Law & Policy Review.
- Child Protection - A Common Responsibility Of Mankind Published In Centre For Child Rights Newsletter, NLU, Assam.
- Political Instability: A Bane For Investments Published In SAARC Law Centre Law Review, NALSAR University Of Law, Hyderabad.
- Ocean Acidification: A Danger Yet Uncovered Published In Lex Terra ISSN : 2455-0965, National Law University , Assam.
- Impact On Neo- Liberalism On Socio-Political Environment: A Boon Or A Bane” Published In Seminar Proceedings In The National Seminar At Tinsukia College, Tinsukia
- Corporate accountability and Protection of Human Rights in the 21st Century published in seminar proceedings in UGC National Workshop at Gobi Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu.
- Successfully participated and presented a paper on the topic “Corporate accountability and Protection of Human Rights” in the 21st Century” in UGC National Workshop at Gobi Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu,2013
- Successfully participated and presented a paper in National Seminar on the topic ” Media and Law Interface: Issues and Challenges”, at Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University, Uttar Pradesh, 2012
- Participated and presented a paper in two-day National Workshop on the topic “Commercialization and privatization of Space: Legal Issues and Challenges” at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, 2013.
- Participated and presented in International Conference on the topic” Corporate Social Responsibility: A boon or a bane” at Pacific University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, 2013
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic “Political Instability: A Bane for Investment” in International Conference on Liberalization and privatization of Space Activities in NALSAR University of Law Hyderabad, 2013
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic “Impact on Neo- Liberalism on Socio-political Environment: A boon or a bane” in the national Seminar at Tinsukia College, Tinsukia on 19th and 20th sep 2014
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic “Shared Parentage: A Paradigm shift in the child custody laws in India” in the National Conference on the Protection of Rights of Rights Children: Issues And Challenges organized by National Law University, Assam in partnership with UNICEF, Office for Assam on 14 March, 2015.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic “Global Investments and its impact in the North Eastern Region” in the National Conclave on Public International Law, Legal Research and Publication on 27 February, 2016, jointly organized by National Law University and LEXISNEXIS, New Delhi.
- Participated and presented a paper on the topic “Changing Role of Women in the Society” in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on changing role of women in the contemporary society: Issues and Perspectives organized by J.B.College, Jorhat on 15-16 September 2016.
- Participated in 1st capacity building of police officers on child related laws on 21- 22nd august 2015 at NLU,ASSAM
- Participated in two day state level consultation program on POSCO act on 4-5th September 2015 at NLU, ASSAM.
- Orientation workshop on “child protection and education priority & convergence programming in Assam” on September 6 - 8, 2015 organized by UNICEF.
- Participated in 2nd capacity building of police officers on child related laws on 18- 19th September 2015 at NLU ASSAM.
- Participated in 3rd capacity building of police officers on child related laws on 26- 27th September 2015 at NLU ASSAM
- Participated in capacity building program of police officers(grp) on child related laws on 16-17th December 2015 at NLU,ASSAM
- Participated in national level conference on protection of child rights with particular reference to the implementation of plantation labor act , 1951
- Participated in state level workshop on “juvenile justice (care and protection of children) act, 2015” on February 19 - 20, 2016
- participated in regional workshop on child rights for law students by centre for child rights, NLUJAA in association with UNICEF (office for Assam) and Assam state commission for protection of child rights (ascpcr) on april 30, 2016
- Participated in state level workshop on juvenile justice (care and protection of children) act, 2015 on September 23 - 24, 2016.
- Participated in capacity building workshop with district child protection officers (dcpos) of Assam on October 20-21, 2016
- Participated in national level conference on protection child rights in tea plantations of India on November 4-5, 2016 organized by UNICEF.
- Participated in third round table conference: north eastern states and Sikkim on effective implementation of juvenile justice (care and protection) of children act 2015: focus on rehabilitation services and linkages with POCSO act 2012 organized by Supreme Court juvenile justice committee and hosted by Gauhati high court on November 26-27, 2016.
- Participated in two day national workshop on research methodology organized by university school of law and research , USTM, Meghalaya
- Part of the organizing committee in the international conference on “ Regional economic cooperation in SAARC: problems and prospects for investments” held at M.K. Nambyar SAARC law centre , NALSAR University of law, Hyderabad, April 2013
- Organized 1st capacity building of police officers on child related laws on 21- 22nd august 2015 at NLU, ASSAM.
- Organized two day state level consultation program on pocso act on 4-5th September 2015 at NLU, ASSAM.
- Organized 2nd capacity building of police officers on child related laws on 18- 19th September 2015 at NLU, ASSAM.
- Organized 3rd capacity building of police officers on child related laws on 26- 27 September 2015 at NLU,ASSAM
- Organized capacity building program of police officers(grp) on child related laws on 16-17 December 2015 at NLU,ASSAM
- Organized national level conference on protection of child rights with particular reference to the implementation of plantation labor act, 1951 on November, 2015 in collaboration with UNICEF and NLU, ASSAM.
- Organized a state level workshop on “juvenile justice (care and protection of children) act, 2015” on February 19 - 20, 2016 at NLU,ASSAM
- Organized a regional workshop on child rights for law students by center for child rights, NLUJAA in association with UNICEF (office for Assam) and Assam state commission for protection of child rights (ascpcr) on April 30, 2016
- Organized a state level workshop on juvenile justice (care and protection of children) act, 2015 on September 23 - 24, 2016 at NLU, ASSAM
- Organized capacity building workshop with district child protection officers (dcpos) of Assam on October 20-21, 2016 at NLU, ASSAM.
Other Accomplishments
- Worked as a Research Associate in Center for Child Rights , NLU ASSAM
- Involved as a researcher in the Research Project On Impact On Violence On The Rights Of The Child In Conflict Affected Areas Of Assam conducted by Save the Children in collaboration with National Law University , Assam in the months of December 2014 and January 2015
- Involved as a member cum researcher in the project on Legislative Drafting on Assam Inland Waterways conducted in collaboration with Assam Inland Water Transport Authority and National Law Univwersity and Judicial Academy, Assam.