Assistant Professor of Law
Dr. Kasturi Gakul
Assistant Professor of Law

Dr. Kasturi Gakul
LL.M. (Gauhati University, Guwahati)
Ph.D. (Gauhati University, Guwahati)
UGC-NET (2013)
E-mail ID: kasturigakul@nluassam .ac .in
Ph. No.: +91-361-2738891 (Office) Ext: 546
Teaching Experience (in Years): 9
Kasturi Gakul is associated with the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam as an Assistant Professor of Law (Senior). She is engaged in the teaching of Property Law, Labour and Industrial Law, Law relating to Children and Women, Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law at both undergraduate and postgraduate programme of the University. Prior to her joining NLUJA, Assam she has served as a guest faculty in University Law College, Gauhati University and Department of Law, Gauhati University. She is a UGC-NET (Law) qualified. She has graduated in Education from Cotton College, Guwahati. She has done her graduation in law from University Law College, Gauhati University and LL.M. in Human Rights Law from Gauhati University. Her area of research and academic interest are Women and Law, Child and Law, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law. Her LL.M. dissertation was titled “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace in India with special reference to Assam- Victimization of Humanity” and she wrote her doctoral thesis on “An Analytical Study on Adoption of Children with reference to the Juvenile Justice Law in India: A Legal Perspective”
She has attended International and National Seminars, Conferences and Workshops and has publications in peer-reviewed referred multidisciplinary journals. She is a Life member of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV).
She is the Academic Co-ordinator for the Centre for Gender Justice and a member of the Centre for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. She has served as Faculty Advisor to the Literary and Debating Committee and was also a member of the Centre for Clinical Legal Education and Legal Aid Cell of the University.
She has acted as a Resource person in NIPCCD Regional Centre, Guwahati; Assam Administrative Staff College, Guwahati; Mind India, Guwahati; Navodaya Leadership Institute, Rangia, Kamrup, Assam; Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University, Guwahati; the Indian Council for Child Welfare, Assam State Branch and Office of the Deputy Commissioner , Amingaon, Kamrup (R) and Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. She is actively involved in gender sensitization programme on Protection against Sexual Harassment at Workplace and has been invited as a Resource Person at awareness programmes on protection against sexual harassment in different colleges in Assam